Asbestos in our homes, what to do?

April 26th, 2023

Complete guide to managing the presence of asbestos at home

Asbestos is a dangerous material that was widely used in building construction until its ban in 1990. If your home was built before this date, it may contain asbestos in various forms, such as flooring, insulation, roofs, walls, and ceilings. The presence of asbestos in your home can pose a risk to your health and that of your family, as asbestos fibers can be inhaled and cause serious respiratory problems.

Understanding the risks of asbestos

Over the years, Quebec has banned certain types of asbestos and certain materials containing asbestos. The use of amosite and crocidolite or any product containing these materials has been prohibited in Quebec since 1990 (Government of Quebec, 2017a). Asbestos sprays have also been banned since 1990 (Government of Quebec, 2017b), while thermal insulation has been banned since 1999 (Government of Quebec, 2017c). Finally, Quebec’s last asbestos mine ceased operations in 2012. Therefore, if your house was built before these years, it is important to understand the risks associated with asbestos to take appropriate measures. Asbestos is composed of fine and resistant mineral fibers, which can be inhaled into the air when materials containing asbestos deteriorates or are handled improperly. Inhaling these fibers can cause serious respiratory problems, as well as other health problems, including lung cancer and other respiratory diseases. Learn about local and national asbestos regulations, as well as available resources to help you manage asbestos in your home.

Checking for the presence of asbestos in your home

The best way to know if your home contains asbestos is to have a qualified professional at Qualitam conduct a diagnostic. Our certified specialists can conduct a complete audit of your home to identify materials that may contain asbestos and take samples for laboratory analysis. Do not take samples yourself, as this can release asbestos fibers into the air and increase health risks.

Assessing the risks and deciding on measures to take

Once you have the results of the diagnosis, you need to assess the risks associated with the presence of asbestos in your home and decide on measures to take. In general, materials containing asbestos that are in good condition and not likely to deteriorate do not pose a health risk. However, if materials containing asbestos are damaged, friable, or if you plan to carry out renovation or demolition work, you will need to take measures to minimize the risk of exposure to asbestos fibers. The measures to take to manage the presence of asbestos in your home will depend on the severity of the situation and the recommendations of the expert.

Finally, this complete guide shows you the important steps to manage asbestos at home, but keep in mind that each situation is different, and the right steps must be followed to ensure everyone’s safety in the home. Therefore, it is important to take necessary safety measures and seek qualified professionals at Qualitam to take care of it.

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