In Québec, any material containing more than 0.1% asbestos fibers is considered to be positive for asbestos and therefore harmful to one’s health. If you suspect your home or commercial building contains asbestos, it is recommended that you contact a specialist for inspection like QualiTAM in the greater Montreal. These materials, when exposed or damaged, can cause severe health effects including mesothelioma and lung cancer. Asbestos poses a health risk only when fibers are present in the air we breathe. Therefore, strict regulations apply for decontamination if removal is required.
Asbestos is most commonly found in older homes or buildings (built before the 1980s) with materials containing asbestos. These materials include old tiles, cement, plaster, fireproof insulation, duct insulation, boiler or furnace insulation, etc. For a complete list of potential components containing asbestos
One of our professionals at QualiTAM in Montreal and surroundings areas will visit your property and conduct a thorough visual inspection of any potentially contaminated areas or material. Once the visual inspection is complete, we will take samples of the affected materials and have them analyzed by an accredited laboratory in accordance with method 244-2 of the Robert-Sauvé Research Institute in Occupational Health and Safety (IRSST). The results will be professionally analyzed to determine the type and percentage of asbestos present, and a detailed report will be sent to you with suggestions on how to deal with asbestos-containing materials in your property.
Another method of asbestos sampling is to conduct an ambient air test in your property. With a professional air quality test, our team of engineers at QualiTAM located in the Greater Montreal area will quickly determine if the air in your home or commercial building contains asbestos fibers. This test is similar to the materials test where samples are sent to an accredited laboratory (Air samples and fiber counting in accordance with IRSST 243-1 method). Once the test is complete, you will receive a detailed report outlining the content of your air and suggestions for improving it.
Some vermiculite insulation may contain asbestos fibers. These products can pose a health risk if they are disturbed during maintenance, renovations or demolition. This type of insulation is generally found in the attic, but can also be found in walls, ceilings and under floors.
If you suspect that your house may contain vermiculite, it is strongly recommended to have an analysis done by a team of asbestos analysis professionals like QualiTAM in the Greater Montreal area, especially when considering property acquisition.
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